Sep 6, 2019

You need to do hard things to be happy, healthy and successful in life. Because the hard things ultimately build you up and change your life.

If you already feel like you’re at the end your rope today with little slack left to hold on to, realize your mind is lying to you. It has imprisoned you by reciting self-defeating stories in your head—stories about your mistakes and what you should have done differently. And you’ve begun to believe that you’re really stuck.
But you’re NOT.
You are alive in an immense world with infinite destinations. Take a moment to remind yourself of this fact. Go outside. Look up at the sky and the clouds or the stars. THIS is the world in which you really live. Breathe it in. Then look at your current situation again.
Remember that adversity—doing and dealing with the hard things in life—is the first path to truth. Your defeats often serve as well as your victories to shake your spirit and light your way. You just have to hold on tight, embrace the daily pain, and burn it as fuel for your journey.

Easier said than done, of course. Which is why you need to continually remind yourself…


Deodorant and brittle nails.
Lemon juice is a good deodorant.
Dip a piece of cotton in the lemon juice.
Rub thoroughly morning and evening for a week.Wrinkles, skins and oily faces.
Facial lotions, twice a day with lemon juice help to remove stains, also clear the complexion and fight cracks, chapped skin, all irritations.
Thanks to its regulating property of cutaneous vasomotion, pure lemon juice softens and clarifies the skin, especially that of people whose skin is oily.
Face lotion morning and evening with lemon juice by cotton swab and allow to dry for 20 minutes in the air without wiping before cream or dusting if you use it. Red spots on the skin and freckles.
Rub the affected part with a piece of absorbent cotton soaked in lemon juice.
Maintain the gentleness of the hands. Coat them with a mixture of ripe lemon juice, cologne and glycerin in equal parts.
Against bad breath tlo fight it make mouthwash in the morning on an empty stomach, towards evening and night before going to bed with the following preparation: 7 spoonfuls ripe lemon juice in a quarter of a liter of boiling water.
After shaking well, add two teaspoons of powdered anise seeds, let stand for 4 hours and pass.
Hair Lemon juice is used to massage the scalp, fortify it, to decrease it, it can be hairspray.
Teeth To have very clean teeth and fortified gums, weekly brushing with ripe lemon juice.
To facilitate the exit of a baby's teeth, with a very clean finger dipped in a mixture of equal parts of boiled water and lemon juice, rub his gums.
Feet to relieve fatigue and combat swelling, rub them with lemon juice soaked in a piece of cotton.

EXTENTION OF VOICE (When the voice has disappeared)
Cook 3 carrots in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes, grate them completely, twist the pulp in a cloth to extract the juice, add 2 glasses of water and drink hot 1 glass 5 to 6 times a day.

Drink two glasses of carrot juice every morning.
Take a handful of basil and boil in 1 liter of water for a few minutes, filter and drink two cups a day.

Apr 13, 2019


Crying is good for your health, flushing unhealthy bacteria out of your body, strengthening the immune system and relieving stress.

Cell phone radiation causes insomnia, and using your phone before bed can prevent you from getting sleep.

Before sleeping, 90% of your mind begins to imagine stuff you'd like to happen.

Being alone weakens your body, whereas having friends strengthens your body.

Being called "Baby" has a positive effect on the female brain, causing instant emotional stress relief.

Don't know whether to write "affect" or "effect"? Use "impact" instead.

Eating bananas, pasta, almonds, grapes, oatmeal, chocolate, watermelon, orange juice, cornflakes, and tuna can help relieve stress.

Drinking green tea before bed will allow your body to burn calories while sleeping. Green tea also increases your metabolism.

Eating your food slowly will help you lose weight, reduce stress, and lead to better digestion.

Delete your browser cookies or go incognito before you buy airline tickets. Ticket prices go up when you visit travel sites multiple times.

Mar 21, 2019


Whenever the sky is discussed then the solar system is also discussed. What is the Solar System?

The Sun, its 8 planets, 166 known satellites to planets, comets,  five dwarf planets and billions of small bodies… that directly or indirectly rotate about the Sun form the Solar System.

Brief info on planets of the Solar System-

1. Mercury
Mercury is the closest planet to the Solar System and is the smallest planet in size. Pluto was formerly considered to be the smallest planet but now it is classified as a dwarf planet. It takes 88 days for the Sun to revolve.

2. Venus
Venus is the second planet from the Sun. The size and make-up of Venus is almost equal to Earth. That is why Venus is called Earth's sister.

3. Earth
The third planet Earth is our own home. Earth is the third planet from Sun to Mercury and Venus. Larger than all of the inner planets, in complete consciousness, earth is a returning planet where life is at.

The average distance of the Earth from the Sun is called the celestial unit. It is about 15 crores kilometers

4. Mars
Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in the solar system. Its aura from the Earth looks dull, because of which it is also known as the "Red Planet".

5. Jupiter
Jupiter sun is the fifth and largest planet in our solar system. It is a gas monster whose mass is equal to the Thousand part of the Sun and 2.5 times the mass of the other seven planets in the Solar System.

6. Saturn
Saturn is a member planet of the Solar System. It is at the sixth place in the sun and in the solar system there are the largest planets after Jupiter. Saturn has 62 satellites. In which Titan is the largest. Titan is the second largest satellite after Jupiter's satellite, Guinness.
7. Uranus
Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun in our solar system. On the basis of diameter it is the third largest of the solar system and the fourth largest planet on the basis of mass.

8. Neptune
Neptune is the 8th planet from the Sun in our solar system. On the basis of diameter it is the fourth largest planet of the Solar System and the third largest planet on the basis of mass. Neptune takes 164 years to complete a full revolution of the sun.

Feb 19, 2019


Coal and petroleum have been formed from remains of dead animals and plants which has been subjected to various biological and geological process over millions of years.

Coal is the remains of trees, ferns and other plants that lived millions of years ago while Oil is the remains of millions of tiny plants and animals that lived in the sea.

These were crushed under the earth by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.

They were pressed down under the layer of earth and rock and slowly decayed into the coal under the high temperature and pressure.
